Dad is better but still feeling weak. He and Mom seem to be doing OK at home.

Dad is likely weak because of the cancer, not because of poor nutrition, according to his cancer doctor.
After a day of riding and walking into doctor appointments, he did not feel up to trying to drive.  At first he had thought he would try it again, but decided against it.
Dad commented that he is not used to getting winded so easily.

At the urologist, it was explained that if the chemotherapy eliminates the liver cancer, and reduces the bladder cancer, then only a portion of the bladder can be removed to get the rest of the cancer.
It will be quite a few months before the results of chemotherapy will be found out.

Dad encouraged not to give up, and to get nourishment.

Dad this morning was looking weak, but better than he has been at times.

Mom this morning was sore from a trip / fall she had last Wednesday that really banged up her knee.  So she stayed home while Dad and I went to meet with the cancer doctor and do some shopping.  Mom  was also a bit sad because her memory loss issues were apparent to her this morning.

The cancer doctor said that there is a chance of remission of cancer.  However, he will not know for quite a while how much of a chance.  This was good encouragement to Dad to keep trying to live, so he can keep taking care of Mom.  He seems to feel that Mom's memory condition is such that she would need to be moved into assisted living, which he knows she would resist.

Based on my guess that nutrition was part of Dad's current weakness, the doctor ordered him to drink two nutrition drinks a day.
In past his medicine was such that he could not have them, since they contained vitamin K.  Now his medicine is such that there is no problem.

Dad is considering starting to take taxis, so he will not feel as much of a bother to Cousin Sean and I.  He feels the senior bus system would not wait for him.  I have convinced him that taxis are more patient, but he still worries that he would have to hurry out.

By the time he got home, Dad was looking a lot better.  His mind got distracted off himself onto the day's mail, and seemed to perk up quite a bit.

When Dad was back home settled in his chair, Mom and Dad started bickering about a couple of long running disagreements, Mom's ability to drive, and Dad's desire for cooked meals eaten together.  Previously Dad had said he would be happy when Mom was yelling at him, cause then he would know she is OK.  I think they are both more OK than they have been in a while.  Still, I wish they could learn to relate better without focusing on and discussing their dissapointments.

I left them with Mom preparing a simple dinner for them, and their bickering having been let go of for a while anyway.

Dad home after third surgery!

Dad was released from hospital today.   He was very appreciative of all they did for him, with no complaints about the quality of care.

The surgery yesterday was quite painful, but today it did not hurt Dad as much.  The stent was successfully installed providing a path between his one kidney to his bladder.  He is very glad it worked well today.

Dad was very slow walking, and is feeling weak.  Dad thinks he will not be of any use to Mom for a few days. Mom is just very glad to have him at home.  

Now Dad has lots of follow-up doctor visits, but he gets to do them based at home.  

Mom's nose skin cancer surgery is Monday, so I pray that goes well.

It has been a busy medical month.  God has provided well so far.

Dad's second surgery did not work. 3rd tomorrow.

Dad's surgery today ended up starting at 5pm.  It still did not get a stent in the place it is desired to be to correct the flow issue. He will have to go in again tomorrow.
Since this will be the third time, I have less hope that he'll be home the same day as the surgery.  However, I pray that he is able to come home Friday, to make things easier on Mom and me.

Mom and Dad were not able to visit or talk today.  Because of the surgery, we did not think a visit would be possible.  Dad does not like the phone, so when Mom called the room, he probably did not answer it, or maybe he was unable to at the time due to the surgery.

Mom's memory combined with being in the house alone seems to make time pass very slowly for her.  She thinks some things have been many days, when it has only been a day or two.  When items are tied to a specific date, she can refer to the calendar and realize otherwise.  However, most items are just a long time ago in her mind.
Mom is very frustrated with her promise to Dad to not drive.  She has said she will never promise that again.
Alas, her memory seems to be stuck on the bitter memories about people rather than the good.  Thankfully, she still strongly desires to have Dad around, and to be near him.

Per Cousin Sean: Dad to have surgery tomorrow

A couple quick messages passed along by my Cousin Sean:
"Your dad was in great spirits yesterday!  We had a nice long visit. I went down to the cafeteria and brought your mom dinner just around the same time your dad's dinner came in. They were able to have dinner together. I may be a bit sappy but I thought it to be very nice.
"Your dad will go back in  for surgery tomorrow to have a stent from his kidney to his bladder. They tried today however it did not seat properly.  They will put him under anesthesia as the pain was too much. They are saying if all goes well he can be released tomorrow.

A package encouraged Mom today! Praise God

Thank You Lord for friends like Korey, and the technology and infrastructure to keep in touch, and be recipients of surprising acts of kindness.

A little letter and small trinket shipped to her really perked up my Mom's otherwise gloomy day, the first without a visit to Dad in the hospital.

God used the package carrier and a friend's kindness to deliver it at just the right time.

Today's surgery went well, but not as well as hoped. Planning a follow up surgery, probably tomorrow, to provide for urine flow.

The urologist finished operating on Dad by 9:00am today.  He was able to scrape out more (most? all?) of the tumor from inside Dad's bladder.  He was not able to put in a stent during this operation as hoped.
There was a back-up of urine in the system, which is now getting flushed out by a saline solution flowing through Dad's bladder.  Dad has a catheter as part of this.  However, the nurse told me that he seems comfortable.  This is a big change from Dad's last catheter experience, which was painful.

Next Dad will have surgery to add a stent or tube, if I understand right, through the back to the bladder, to allow urine to flow.  This might happen as early as tomorrow morning.

A big thanks to Cousin Sean who will volunteered to transport Mom to and from the hospital most days this week.

Dad expecting surgery on Monday, 7/14/2014

Dad is having bowel movements again.
His white blood cell count also seems to be improving enough that they think he will have surgery for putting in a stent sometime Monday.

Dad still has no appetite but has been forcing himself to eat the food he is being brought.
He still has no pain, but suspects it is part due to pain killers.  One type of food gives him heartburn, but he feels it as a pressure, not as a pain.

Dad resting better, awaiting better white blood cell count

The urinary tract infection is reducing.  As a result, Dad is able to urinate a bit better.  That means he is able to go longer between times.  So rather than getting up every 15 minutes at night, he was able to sleep for a few hours at a time.  This made him look better, and he seemed less emotional as well.

He is still constipated, and his body has not responded to the laxatives given for this.

He is walking well still.  He walked too fast for the short nurse who escorted him around the floor hallways.

The antibiotics should improve the white blood cell count situation, so Dad can get his surgery done early next week.  They delayed it at the last moment because with the low white blood cell count (at least for the ones that fight external infection), they were afraid of galloping bacteria spreading infection.

Dad to have surgery Friday 7/11/2014.

The doctors seem to have decided Dad can have his surgery tomorrow, Friday.
If I understand right, it is to have his bladder scraped out, a stent put in to improve flow, and to drain fluid from his kidney.
It will probably be in the morning.
Depending on how scan says things look inside, they'll go in from the front or maybe from the back, which is worse.

Dad to get stent in urinary tract to help with infection and tumor blockage

Mom did not think Dad looked in very good shape yesterday.

Dad is still having trouble resting due to frequently urinating small amounts.
This is due to both the tumor blocking things up and urinary tract infection.
The urinary tract infection seems resistant to the first antibiotic they gave, so they are using another now.

The doctors want to put in a stent to provide a path from the bladder out.
However, they have to wait until some of Dad's regular medications, such as blood thinners, are out of his system.
Work to clear out Dad's urinary tract was originally scheduled for 7/11, Friday, even before the recent issues.  However, due to some misunderstanding, I cancelled it.  Therefore Dad did not stop taking the blood thinners earlier.  Dad thought the 7/11 surgery was to remove his bladder, and he knew that since there was cancer on the liver that removal was not a near term step.

Because of worries of the infection spreading to others, Dad was moved to a private room.  That is a bit of worry for his claustrophobia.  Hopefully the window and open door will be enough to keep him comfortable.
Also because of worry of infection, Mom is not supposed to touch nor kiss Dad now.  That adds to the sadness.

Dad is very sad, in part because he worries greatly about Mom.
Dad seemed encouraged by the visits of family.

Thanks to Aunt Vera and Cousin Sean who have taken time out of their previously scheduled lives to take Mom to the hospital so far this week.
I plan on taking Mom today at around 2pm.

Dad much more comfortable after chemo and hospital admission

This morning Dad looked bad and was very shaky.  He was wondering if to cancel chemo or not.
He was convinced to go.
He got chemo, including hydration, and including comfort drugs that normally would not get because he usually drives himself.
He was told to go to the hospital, which he did not like.  However, he did.

He is now in South Macomb hospital, fifth floor.  Dad is in the hospital due to lack of recent digestion movement.  Almost none in, no solids out, very little liquid.  The hospital will work to make sure he is not blocked up inside.  They are wanting to get food and drink input and output working well again.

By the time he got settled in a hospital bed, Dad looked a lot better.  Everything seems fine now, at least comparatively.  When Mom left the hospital today, Dad looked and sounded comfortable, and said he felt OK.  That is something he had not been for a few days, at least.

Mom seems to understand that she should not be driving alone with her short term memory loss.  She feels taxis are outrageously expensive, so we'll have to taxi her to/from the hospital for visits while trying to teach her that professional taxis are not so bad.

Dad losing hope; Mom coping

Dad seems to have no hope, or is losing what little hope he has, of recovery right now.
With the aggressive liver cancer, the chemotherapy has been harsher. As a result Dad has been feeling it, unlike before.  He has been sicker than a dog the last couple days.  He is thinner again, due to poor nourishment.