Today's surgery went well, but not as well as hoped. Planning a follow up surgery, probably tomorrow, to provide for urine flow.

The urologist finished operating on Dad by 9:00am today.  He was able to scrape out more (most? all?) of the tumor from inside Dad's bladder.  He was not able to put in a stent during this operation as hoped.
There was a back-up of urine in the system, which is now getting flushed out by a saline solution flowing through Dad's bladder.  Dad has a catheter as part of this.  However, the nurse told me that he seems comfortable.  This is a big change from Dad's last catheter experience, which was painful.

Next Dad will have surgery to add a stent or tube, if I understand right, through the back to the bladder, to allow urine to flow.  This might happen as early as tomorrow morning.

A big thanks to Cousin Sean who will volunteered to transport Mom to and from the hospital most days this week.

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