Relatively minor surgeries coming up for my parents

I visited my parents Friday night, and they let me know about their upcoming surgeries.

Mom's nose scab is skin cancer.  Her doctor was not too concerned, but she does need the growth to be taken off.  It had not yet been scheduled as of Friday night.

Dad's chemo has progressed to the point where it is time for his bladder to be removed and replaced with an external bag.
He needs a CAT scan and his regular doctor's approval first, due to the long running concern over his heart.  When he does have it done, he is expected to be hospitalized for around five days.

The only surgery with a date so far is on 6/23/2014.  Dad is to have a cataract removed from his right eye.  The time of surgery to be decided and given by phone on 6/20.

Due to Mom's pressure, Dad has sometimes let her drive while he is with her.  He had tried to sign up for a cheap van ride back from the surgery, but Mom complained so he did not.  It sounds like she is planning to drive him home, but we have a bit of time to try to convince them / her of other arrangements.
Dad is also trying to figure out how to handle transportation when he goes in for the bladder surgery.  He thinks he can drive there, but then how does the car get home.  I am glad he did not consider Mom driving it home, but I am confident she is thinking that way.  I really worry / wonder how to deal with her desire to visit with Dad daily while he is hospitalized.

I have considered trying to get Mom to take a driving evaluation course for those recovered from health issues.  If she was deemed OK to drive, it would make us all feel better.  However, if she was determined not OK, I wonder if she would accept it.  Even if she did, I wonder if she would remember it.

They both seem somewhat comfortable with the surgeries themselves, and more worried about each other than themselves.  Dad in particular is worried about the transportation hassles.
In general, Dad seems weighed down about taking care of the many household items he and Mom used to do for themselves.  He feels like Mom does not want him to get the help he needs from others and he knows he can not do it all himself anymore.

It is good that they are both doing as well as they are.  I trust God that the relatively minor challenges and surgeries will be handled without too much difficulty.

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