Mom and Dad getting on each others nerves. Both are relatively healthy, with chronic conditions.

Dad's leg strength is getting better, but probably still not what it was a few months ago.
Dad still does not trust the strength in his legs.  However, he is getting around better.  He is being careful, and I feel rightly so.

The clot in the leg seems to be getting gradually smaller, as it is supposed to.  This guess is based on Dad's pain being steadily less than previously.  He is now able to sit upright longer and longer.

Mom is about the same, and still frustrated at feeling trapped at home.

Monday's 3/17/2014 appointment was just to draw blood to check Dad's status.
Today Dad had an appointment to discuss the status, and to schedule chemotherapy again.
Dad restarts chemotherapy on 3/27, Thursday.
His cancer doctor said that the blood test and overall condition indicates that the chemotherapy Dad already had is working correctly.  He also said that the blood test confirmed a previous suspicion that Dad has CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia).  The wikipedia article on CLL repeats what Dad's regular doctor stated when the condition was first talked of.  It is nothing that is worth giving special treatments for.  However, since Dad is getting chemotherapy anyway, the doctor can adjust it to help with the CLL as well.

With both my parents able to focus on things other than their own pain and problems, the focus has moved to the challenges of living together with their own and each other's reduced capacities.
Mom understands her memory is not what it was.  She is frustrated / saddened when she can not remember doing things that she can tell she did, such as information written on a note from a day ago.
She is more frustrated by being stuck in the house, and not being able to drive.  She has no recollection of the doctor telling her that she could not drive.  She has no comprehension why she would have any issues driving.
Similarly, she does not understand why she should not go down the front steps unattended by someone who could help.  Dad currently cannot confidently be a help, due to his concerns of falling due to his weakened legs.  So Mom cannot leave the house without a visitor.
Mom's next doctor appointment is on 4/1.  I suspect the doctor and Mom will have a discussion...

Mom was able to get out of the house today, joining Dad for his doctor appointment trip, followed by a bit of shopping.  However, I worry if her memory will be strong enough to remember it in a few days or not.  Her memory is such that she probably will, but I do not know.

Dad is frustrated with not being able to do the things he used to.  Also, he feels that Mom gets mad if he tries to do some chores around the house such as washing dishes.  Yet, Mom does not do those chores herself either.
Dad also repeatedly asks Mom about things in the recent past, testing her memory.  The tone in which he asks, and especially the tone of voice in which he corrects Mom, sounds very accusatory.  So Mom gets the feeling that Dad blames her for many things.

So Mom and Dad both are going through the process of learning to live with each other again.  Things will get smoother as Dad regains leg strength and confidence.  However, it seems that the challenges of Mom's memory will need to be adjusted to for a long time to come.

The various medical personnel visiting and visited have been a great help to my parents during this time.  They have been patient, understanding of their limitations and quirks, and very encouraging.

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