Mom getting healthy and restless

Dad and I continue to be greatly encouraged by the rapid progress Mom is making.

Mom is talking normally, and remembers her visitors from yesterday.  Earlier in the day, Dad had a little while in which he thinks she was confused about who he was.  I wonder if that was just sleepiness.  She was able to eat some of a hospital regular dinner, although she spilled some.

She sometimes is uncomfortable, and in trying to make herself comfortable, she has pulled at the tubes in her arm and elsewhere.  As that is dangerous, the hospital has had to keep her tied down.  Not to mention that she also tried to get out of bed on her own without supervision.  So Mom gets frustrated with the restraints, but said that she is only uncomfortable for brief times.

Mom was saddened to learn of her brother passing away.  Mom and Dad discussed last week that Uncle Ed's  end was probably near.  Ed O'Hare died last night, 5/8/2012.  While not a surprise to her, she still feels bad for Uncle Ed's children and rest of the family.

Mom is hoping she gets better quickly, and that whatever happened does not happen again.  The doctors have not yet given a firm feeling on the cause.  Some tests taken today will hopefully give more clear direction.  The treatment of antibiotics seems to be addressing the issue, in any case.

Praise God for his healing and the medical technology that that we have.

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