Dad was weak again today. This late morning he drank some water, and a nutrition drink. A bit later I asked him to try some more water. He said he felt nauseous, but I encouraged him to try a bit more. He did, and a bit later he thew up. So much for getting the nutrition drink and pills he had earlier.
The raised toilet seat had been helping a lot. The main challenge in that area has been that Dad has developed painful hemorrhoids.
Eventually, we went to the chemo doctor, and doctor felt the dehydration was serious enough to admit Dad to the hospital. So Dad is at St. John South Macomb hospital again.
1 comment:
Dad vomited a few times today, mostly at the hospital while getting settled in.
Dad had forgotten to apply his patch with pain medicine Wednesday night, so we did that fairly soon after I got there.
Later in the day, he said he was in pain today only when he had bowel movements. However, for much of day I heard groans out of him, so I am not sure if he was speaking of a particular type of pain.
Dad also had a small bump on his head, the size of a BB or so, that he noticed and pointed out to me. It has not bothered him, but he noticed it. To me, it looked similar to a mosquito bite, but no central indentation. He felt that it moved around a bit, although I could only feel typical skin sliding distance movement. He wants to mention it to the doctor sometime.
Mom mentioned that she is not going to make the same mistake this time as she did previous times she was home with Dad in hospital. She is not going to rely on rides to drive her over to the hospital. She said that what is the point of having a car if she does not use it.
I was too emotionally drained and unclear of a good strategy at the time to discuss with her. Any discussion may (if negative) or may not (if positive) have stuck till morning anyway.
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