Mom still improving, but rate slowing.

The doctors seem to pretty much have decided it was viral meningitis.   Mom needs around 2 weeks of antibiotics, so she will have to go to a rehab center when she is ready to leave the hospital, which we have some hopes will be in a few days.

Today Mom's mind seemed more clear.  Dad thought she was a little out of it when she was tired, but overall doing better.
Mom is still causing trouble with keeping tubes in her.  The hospital put another pick-line in her, and she almost pulled that one out too.  If mess this one up, will give a more complex, deeper one.  Hopefully that can be avoided.
Physically, Mom was able to walk around the hospital halls today.  So I think she has gotten pretty close to normal there.

Tomorrow afternoon I plan on checking over the house to see if any mold, spoiling food, or other possible contributing factors can be identified.

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