Book recommendations and recent reads

Be aware, I feel books worth reading are ones that should affect your thinking on the world, your world view.  That means they should impact the most controversial topics…



Latest Reads - In Progress

               Christian Bible

               (Currently going through the book of Proverbs. I find the Contemporary English Version the translation I like the best, with World English Bible  being the freely available translation I like. The section of the Gospel of John and the 1st Letter to the Corinthians by Paul are good places to start, and the whole is beneficial.)

               Security Engineering by Ross Anderson:

               (It is slow going for me due to time constraints and the large size, but I like it.)


Latest Reads finished

               Francis Bacon's New Atlantis



               U.S.A. Constitution and amendments


               The Cathedral and the Bazaar

               Transparent Society

(Both an article and a book. Previously shared this with some in SBD on Teams)

In the Beginning was the Command Line

               (Excellent discussion of user interfaces approaches)

             Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy

               E-Books by Jules Verne at Project Gutenberg,

               E-Books by many other freely available at Project Gutenberg


Longer list (but still incomplete) available at




               (My rating scale is 1 = worth reading, 3 = really good, 5 = a must read)



Another tidbit:

My wife Jodi is a voracious reader, helps with our church library, and enjoys helping people find books that they might enjoy reading.




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