Funeral times Friday after 4, Saturday 10:30

Funeral details have been arranged.
Friday, 10/31/2014, visitation and viewing at 3:30pm for immediate family.
Friday, 10/31/2014, viewing anytime from 4:00pm till 9:00pm for the public.
Saturday, 11/1/2014, All Saints Day, viewing from 10:00am to 11:00am
Saturday, 11/1/2014, 11:00am funeral service, followed by grave-side service.

Visitation and funeral service is at Kaul Funeral Home, 27830 Gratiot; Roseville, MI 48066.
The grave is at Cadillac Memorial Gardens, East, across a pathway from Dad's parents, brother, and other relatives.

It was somewhat amusing arranging the funeral with Mom.  The funeral home manager walked us through the process with much patience and understanding.  He started us off with a price list and pointed us toward a mid-price package.  Mom let her sticker shock be very well known that even that lower price option was way more than she expected.  After that initial price offer, I was more than willing to enjoy the round about in circles that went on while I was half working on some other items related to the funeral.  For example, I think Mom asked 3 times about what a OBC was (outer burial container), which she knew as a vault, the studier box that holds the coffin in the ground.  Dad had already purchased those, so that was not even a relevant part of the discussion, but was listed on one of the price lists.

We ended up with working up from the base package.  So things that make it pretty or memorable were skipped, such as a package of flower arrangements, or a necklace with a pendant with a thumbprint of Dad.
We hope that all visitors will not be distracted from the relationships and memories because these extra trimmings are missing.

By the way, Jodi and I got to see pictures of the very cheapest (still not cheap in my opinion) caskets made of cardboard.  I made it clear to Jodi that I want the 2nd cheapest, which does not look exactly like a cardboard box, but, in Jodi's phrase, looks a bit like a matchbox.

Mom is having some rough times, but some joyful times with family as well.

Fyi flowers option

From funeral home:

You may also visit for other helpful information. On our web page you will see the option for your family and friends to send flowers via FTD and our local florist. The family and friends code is 71812.

A bit of details of Harold Abbey passage from pain into Jesus's presence.

Dad passed on to be with Jesus. Mom, Sally Abbey, misses him greatly already.

Dad no longer needs medication to be free from physical pain.
He died.

I know some of you may have heard or read already, because of the
calls, visits, and writings of condolence and support. Thank you.

My father passed from life to death to second life around 3pm today, 10/28/2014.
He had been resting peacefully, with the aid of medicine, the last couple days.
Hospice was a great help with taking care of all the details.

Harold Abbey with Jesus now

Mom called around 3:12 pm to let me know Dad is dead.  Funeral details are not yet known, but plans are for Kaul Funeral Home of Roseville.

Thanks to Jodi for typing this message as we drive over to my parents' home.

Most likely Friday visitation and Saturday funeral.

Thank God for family and hospice

Hospice has been a great help to Dad, Mom and me.
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Luise came to visit a few days starting this evening and already have been a great help.
Dad is very non-responsive now and very thin looking.  He has not been taking liquids for the last day.
So it looks to be soon that he will get to see Jesus.
Mom seems very OK when talking to others and distracted.  She seems very sad when she thinks about Dad, but seems healthy about it.

Dad may not have long to live

(reposted after accidental deletion)

I would guess around 2 weeks.
Hospice has been able to greatly ease Dad's pain during their visits.  Mom and I have not had as much success, but our efforts have allowed Dad to have rest, although fitful.
Mom has taken it very hard at times, but often got distracted yesterday (Friday), by things such as TV news segments or a political advertisement.  She read through the political paper multiple times, repeating comments, for the election she already absentee voted for.  Last night she got very little sleep, so was more focused today.

As expected and known, but still hard to accept, Dad is dying. 
Hospice does not give him long.  Much more than hours.  Mom got the idea of about a week.  I got the impression they can not predict so well yet (or ever), but think less than a month.  Based on a pamphlet they provided of symptoms of approaching death, if Dad is following most common timeline, it will be about 2 weeks.  However, the pamphlet said very clearly that everyone is different, and estimates are very approximate.
Mom did not sleep last night but was able to sleep this afternoon some while Dad was also soundly sleeping.  Mom gets very saddened and stressed because she sees Dad in pain, and does not know of anything she can do to help him.  Since Dad has not been wearing pajamas the last couple days, she sees more clearly now how much weight he has lost.  His very thin frame has helped her understand and acknowledge that Dad is very sick with the cancer.
When Dad is responsive, he seems confused much of the time.  At one point he asked me who are you.  Another time, what year is it.  Yet another time he said he did not know where he was.  When dealing with items such as medicine or moving, he seems very clear minded.  Some times his interaction is just moaning in pain.  Once I heard him say a short prayer to God for help.
A positive of the day was Mom was able, for the first time ever, to get Dad to take some pain relief medicine when he did not want to.
Dad occasionally will try to get out of bed to go to the bathroom.  He does not have enough strength to even sit up, but he forgets that.  In the morning he was enough out of the bed to be in danger of falling out, but the hospice help thankfully were able to be called in from outside to get Dad back in bed.  Later in the day he did not seem to have as much energy to get as far.
Mom had a frustration with the liquid pain relief medicine bottle.  She could not get the child proof cap off.  Thankfully I was there to open it, and we did not screw it on tight again.
Much thanks go to Cousin Sean and Aunt Luise and Uncle Chuck.  So far, Mom's attitude has been affectionate to them, so they have been able to be a real blessing to Mom and Dad.  Mom has enjoyed talking to Aunt Luise on the phone, and is very much looking forward to an expected visit from them.  Cousin Sean's visits have been encouraging.  Dad even asked for his nephew today, and I am very glad that I could say he was planning on visiting tomorrow.

Switching from Home Nursing care to Hospice

I requested the visiting home nurse service to switch to hospice.  Dad was very minimally responsive today, and really needed more help than I could give.  In particular his pain and discomfort did not allow me to get any of his pills in him today.  He also was not strong enough to stand, so I could not get him out of bed at all.

Dad consistently very tired.

Dad did not get up today until around 4:30PM.
He always was a night owl, but this is ridiculous.  It may be that he had gotten up earlier and went back to bed to rest.  However, he had not yet taken his "morning" / wake-up time pills.

He seems to be in a lot of pain, which is likely part of the reason for resting so much.  Resting so much means he does not get some of his pills spaced out as much, which is possibly a reason for some of his pain.  Alas.

He seems to be getting enough liquids and food, but it is hard to tell.  He for sure is not getting more than enough.  He lost a lot of weight and could stand to add some of it back.

He seems to be getting discouraged, and sometimes wishes God would take him to heaven quickly and simply, such as via a heart attack.  However, as he said, as a Christian he does not get to make that choice, but instead has to wait for God's plan.

Mom seems to be getting more easily distracted.  While she had a visitor, she got a phone call.  She answered the phone, found out who it was, and then hung up on them without clearly saying that Dad was resting and that she had to go because of a visitor.  I wonder if her memory is getting slightly worse, or more confusion and unusual events around her are causing more challenges.

They both seemed to have a nice visit with Cousin Sean today, although Sean was greatly worried about them.

Dad and Mom continuing OK

Dad was OK today, but in quite a bit of pain.  He took some of the stronger pain medicine in the late afternoon.  

Dad is getting slightly weaker day by day. 
He was not feeling up to getting up to get his own dinner tonight.  So I got him his request, a can of mixed fruit.  I am guessing he will start relying on Mom to feed him now.  They both reject the idea of meals on wheels, because they do not like the meals (portion and content).  I am considering seeing if they would accept food delivery restaurants, like pizza and Jimmy John's subs.  Growing up they were always strongly avoided due to unneeded cost and due to discomfort of knowing how to tip.

Mom is sometimes sad, crying at times, but making it through as if all was normal at other times, and bickering or upset at Dad at other times.  I guess a healthy mix.
Mom said she would be uncomfortable to drive, due to her legs being shaky.  So while she wants (/ demands) the permission to drive, she seems to self-recognize that she does not have the ability.
She also today said that she hoped I was not expecting her to move after Dad dies.  At least not for a while.  So she is still attached to the house, as I suspected she would be.

Dad in pain, and somewhat depressed.

Dad did not take any pain medicine over the last week, in part out of a desire to avoid narcotics in an attempt to get in a condition to drive.  However the pain is difficult for him.  I feel it is depressing him as well.  Hopefully the doctor visit on Monday, 10/13, will encourage him to take some pain medicine again. 

Dad coming home today, 10/2/2014.

Dad's progress in the nursing home continued well.
So he is cleared to come home today, 10/2/2014, Thursday.

He and Mom are both very happy about that.

He has been assigned to use a rolling walker to help walk.
In general, he seems to be the healthiest he has been in quite a while.

Of course, I understand that long term outlook is different, but for the near term, I have good hopes.

I pray that Mom and Dad can get used to living together again.  I also ask that being in the same house will help reduce their bickering, since their worries can be lessened since they are together.